2025 Kick Cancer Camp & 3v3 Extravaganza 
March 16, 2025 | 3PM - 5:30PM 
Dyess Park
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Written and edited by Jim Walker 
December 2014
A publication of the Keeper! Club
Written and edited by Jim Walker
After Dec. 18, NO TRAINING until Jan. 12, 2015, in observance of Christmas and New Year’s holidays.
The Schedule
Training at Dyess Park in December:  
Mondays: Senior Keepers (10 years and older) 5:30pm; Junior Keepers 6:45pm
Thursdays: Senior Keepers 8pm
 1--Seniors 5:30pm; Juniors, 6:45pm
 4--Seniors 8pm
 8--Seniors, 5:30pm; Juniors 6:45pm
11--Seniors, 8pm
15-Seniors, 5:30pm; Juniors, 6:45pm
18—All goalkeepers, 4:30-5:30pm; Christmas party, 5:30pm-7pm
Membership fees
Senior keepers (10 years and older with experience)--$50 thru May 18;
Junior keepers (beginners 10 years and younger)--$25 thru May 18
To join, send a check payable “Keeper Club” to: Dynamos’ Keeper Club, Attn: Loree, 10924 Grant Road #224, HoustonTX77070.
If you have questions, email jwalker@dynamossoccer.comor call 281-217-1612
Goalkeepers, young and old, are invited to the annual Keeper Club Christmas party, scheduled for Thursday, December 18, at the Far Horizon (north end snack bar facility) at beautiful downtown Dyess Park. Just bring a wrapped item for the party’s highlight activity, the Krazy Keeper gift exchange. A fun training session begins at 4:30pm, followed at 5:30pm by food (pizza and drinks provided, donations of dessert, cookies, cake or other Christmas treats welcome), attendance awards, and guessing contests. Admission is a wrapped gift for $10 or less or an item in your possession you would prefer to be in somebody else’s. Gifts are distributed randomly and subject to negotiation. This once was called the white elephant gift exchange, but ten years ago when the white elephants complained it was re-dubbed “Krazy Keeper” and so far no keepers, crazy or otherwise, have objected. A keeper never knows what treasure or trash will be available. If you wish to volunteer to help with the party, email jwalker@dynamossoccer.com or call 281-217-1612.
Be sure you stop and visit with Coach Roland, Coach Jim, and the other Dynamos trainers, when you go to the Kick Cancer Camp Dec. 20, 2-5pm, at Dyess Park—you are attending, aren’t you? Aw c’mon, it’s a lot of fun, you meet special soccer personalities and it’s for a great cause—funds go directly to the Curing Children’s Cancer Fund! Fee is $55, all of which will be used to battle pediatric cancer. In addition to Dynamos trainers, special guests will makes appearances and some will direct activities. To register, go to www.dynamossoccer.com.  
Found: Long-sleeved pullover, dark gray, green collar with Champion logo. To claim, check Coach Walker’s raggedy bag of cones, assortment differently shaped and weighted balls, and assorted items left at DyessPark by goalkeepers. If not claimed, it will join other bazaar (yes, and bizarre) items available at the Christmas party!
What I want for Christmas:
Claire Juenke: New goalie gloves with finger protection; what I don’t want: anything with Spiderman on them.
Samantha Nichols: Pokemon cards, Great Pokemon season, invitation to Pokemon world champions; what I don’t want: Barbies, clothes, homework.
Zac Cannon: FIFA 15; what I don’t want: I would be thankful for anything.
Isobel Herrod: A long board; what I don’t want: definitely do not want clothes.
Steven Franke: A shotgun; what I don’t want: socks
Matthew Shaw: Better keeper gloves
Johan Martinez: Electric scooter; what I don’t want: clothing
1.   Why did they call the goalkeeper “Dracula”?
2.  If Mr. Dominguez and Sammy Dominguez were invited to dinner by Roland Sikinger, what would we have?
3.  What do you use to “hoe a row, stay a foe, and wring with woe?” (hint: and “give a five”).
4.  What is the more a goalkeeper takes the more is left behind?
5.  What is it that leaps and runs and has no feet?
6.  According to Coach Jim, what happens when he tells Junior Keepers to yell “Keeper!” so loud it disturbs Dyess Park neighbors?
7.  Which goalkeeper can jump higher than a crossbar?
8.  According to Coach Roland, what did he look like in training after getting “all twisted up in the mud”  attempting to hit a rebound while wearing flats?
Welcome to new members Matthew Shaw, an eighth grader at Willowwood Jr. High and Junior Keeper Johan Martinez, age 9. . .Sad news that Isabelle (Izzy) Tullier is moving this month to New England, but glad she will be with family, and friends from past vacation visits. . .and that she learned how to spell “Massachusetts” (where she will live) a requirement given her by Keeper Club several years ago during her summer visit. . .Alli Thompson was the mystery recipient, along with family members and friends, of J. J. Watt’s pizza delivery party last month. The Junior Keeper, of course, was delighted and she reported that J. J. is a fun guy. . .Krysten Rhodes put in extra work on her kicking game, especially goal-kick deliveries, and pronounced vast improvement in the next game. . .Former popular Keeper Club member Braden Mann played a key role in Cy-Fair HS’s 17-12 football victory over Lamar Nov. 22 to reach the semifinals of the Class 6A Division I playoffs. “Striker,” as Keeper Club colleagues knew him, booted a 49-yard field goal and two extra points as the Bobcats advanced to the regional semifinals for the third time in four seasons. Cy-Fair was eliminated, however, in a 21-19 loss to Dickinson Nov. 29 at Rice Stadium. . .Trevor Gibson, longtime Keeper Club member who assisted several keeper sessions in November, has signed a letter-of-intent for soccer at MidAmerican Nazarene University in Kansas next year. Trevor, who played nine years with the Dynamos, was District Goalkeeper of the Year (as well as football punter and placekicker) last season at Tomball Memorial HS. MidAmerica appeared in the NAIA final round of 16 for the third straight season. . .It was a cool (read that “cold”) foursome—Anthony Mancotta, Sam Dominguez, Ethan Urrutia and Steven Franke--who trained with Coach Roland on a frigid Nov. 13, keeping warm with “some brisk footwork and shot blocking, finishing with parrying balls over the crossbar.”. . .Tim Howard was voted U.S. Soccer Male Athlete of the Year for the second time, winning the 2014 award off his performance at the World Cup in Brazil. The Everton keeper, who previously earned the honor in 2008, became the fifth player to win the award more than once. . .Alli Thompson is this month’s winner of a $25 gift card to Soccer-4-All in a drawing of entrants who answered the question: “Why will there be NO training November 27?” Answer, of course, was because it was Thanksgiving Day! For your chance to win a $25 gift card, answer this question: What did Coach Roland say he looked like after he got “all twisted up in the mud” during training while attempting to hit a rebound at DyessPark? Simply email the answer (which appears elsewhere in this newsletter) to jwalker332@aol.com to be entered into the December drawing.
Junior Keeper Alli Thompson, along with her Great Aunt Claudia Matcek, visit with their favorite pizza delivery man, J.J. Watt.  The Texans' superstar spent time with Alli's family after they won a promotional pizza party.  J.J. is a fun guy, Alli reported.
Goalkeepers who attended training in November:
Oct. 30—Steven Franke. Ethan Urrutia, Sam Dominguez, Kaylee Barrett, Kodi Garcia, Lauren Marder
Nov. 3—Claire Juenke, Krysten Rhodes, David Graham, Steven Franke, Samantha Nichols, Matt Shaw, Kevin Barron; Junior Keepers: Alli Thompson, Zac Cannon, Georgia Williams, Johan Martinez. Assisting: Trevor Gibson
6—Muddy Waters, Phillip Bayous  
10—Krysten Rhodes, Kevin Barron, Steven Franke, Ashlyn Brewer, Michael Garrido, Claire Juenke, Matt Shaw, Samantha Nichols, Amber Zlatich, Ashley Eastwick, Isobel Herrod, Ian Herrod, Payton Salinas; Junior Keepers: Johan Martinez, Elizabeth Corken, Alli Thompson, Zac Cannon, Georgia Williams.
13—Anthony Macotta, Sam Dominguez, Ethan Urrutia, Steven Franke, Freddy Frostbite
17—Kevin Barron, Steven Franke, Claire Juenke, Ashley Eastwick, Isobel Herrod, David Graham, Ian Herrod, Sadie Shivers; Junior Keeper: Zac Cannon    
20—Payton Salinas, Ethan Urrutia
24—Ashley Eastwick, Isobel Herrod, Ian Herrod, Kevin Barron, Matt Shaw, Payton Salinas, Luz Lopez, Samantha Nichols; Junior Keepers: Alli Thompson, Zac Cannon, Johan Martinez.  
27—Tom Turkey, Crandell Berry, Puddin’ Pye, Sam Hamm; Junior Keeper: Tater Totts
“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and unruffled under all circumstances.”—Thomas Jefferson
Never assume a ball is going out. You can never be sure the most hopeless-looking shot won’t curl inside the post at the last second.
Jersey flopping out? Wear sliding pants and tuck your jersey into them
Socks drooping? Hold them up with elastic (not a rubber band)
Shinguards sliding down? Athletic tape or tie shoe laces around ankle
Too hot? Take water bottle to goal with you
Gloves too dry? Dampen gloves with water; keep damp towel in the goal
Gloves too wet? On rainy days, make a fist so palms are not exposed
Hands too cold? Wear thin gloves with no fingers under keeper gloves
Sun in your eyes? Wear soft-brimmed cap or eye black
Shoe laces undone? Tie in a double knot and tuck surplus into shoes
Jersey sliding up arms? Tuck cuffs into gloves or use sweat bands
Gloves coming undone? Use tape or sweat bands
Answers to Riddle Time
1.  Because he was afraid of crosses
2.  Father, son, and goalie host
3.  Your hands
4.  Footsteps
5.  Ball
6.  Police sirens began to wail
7.  All of them, a crossbar can’t jump
8.  A chocolate-covered pretzel

Read more http://dynamossoccer.com/KeeperClub/Keeper/tabid/375/newsid744/321/KEEPER--Vol-21-No-12/Default.aspx