2025 Kick Cancer Camp & 3v3 Extravaganza 
March 16, 2025 | 3PM - 5:30PM 
Dyess Park
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Written and edited by Jim Walker
 November 2012
A publication of the Keeper! Club
Written and edited by Jim Walker
at DyessPark, with Roland Sikinger and Jim Walker
Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 3
Mondays: Senior Keepers at 5:30pm and Junior Keepers at 6:45pm
Thursdays: Senior Keepers at 8pm
Fees due for second fall package, ending Dec. 19: Regular Keeper Club training (Seniors--ages 10 to 18) is $50 per eight-week package ($100 if not playing for the Cy-Fair Youth Soccer Club or the Dynamos) or $75 for entire Fall season. Fee for Junior Keepers is $25 per eight-week package, or $50 for entire Fall season. Second Fall package: October 14 until December 19. Please make check payable to "Keeper Club" and mail to: Dynamos, attn: Loree, 10924 Grant Rd., #224, Houston77070. If you have questions, email jwalker332@aol.com or call 281-217-1612.
Training at DyessPark in November:  
 4-Senior keepers, 5:30pm; Juniors, 6:45pm
 7—Seniors, 8pm
11—Seniors 5:30pm; Juniors, 6:45pm
14—Seniors 8pm
18—Seniors, 5:30pm; Juniors 6:45pm
21—Seniors, 8pm
25--Seniors, 5:30pm; Juniors, 6:45pm
The Keeper! Club’s annual Christmas party tentatively is scheduled for Thursday, December, 19, at DyessPark’s Far Pavilion (north concession stand). Keepers of all ages are invited to enjoy training games, pizza, soft drinks, and drawings. No cost to keepers (except to bring a wrapped “gift” of less than $10 for the Krazy Keeper gift exchange). Pizza and drinks are provided, but donations of dessert (cookies, cake, candy) will be welcomed.
The Fall edition of BYOK (Bring Your Own Keeper) Workshop drew 19 goalkeepers and an equal amount of parents and/or coaches as their partners. Many thanks to the Cy-Fair Youth Soccer Club referees who shared the DyessPark gazebo space on that October 5 Sunday afternoon. A few of the game officials even joined in the repartee and one who had seen too many guardians of the goal loudly castigated for mistakes, clapped enthusiastically when the moderator revealed that the club motto is “goalkeepers are to be loved, not yelled at!” Assisting at the workshop was longtime Keeper! clubber and Langham Creek HS netminder Kacie Paine, who emerged as the star of the show when Coach Walker put her through a series of long-range extension dives. One parent came up afterward, marveled at Kacie’s demonstration, but said his young daughter told him she would never be able to “fly” like that. The dad said "why not?. . .it takes practice but you can do that someday." The reply was "yes, but look at her, she's all muddy!" Thanks to Kacie for her awesome help throughout the workshop, also to Travis Hurt’s dad, Nathan, for his timely assistance. Goalkeepers attending were: Ansley Blake, Ashton Brotsch, Sam Dominguez, Abigail Ginther, Aidan Goodman, Cale Goodman, Ian Hayes, Jadyn Helm, Travis Hurt, Nicholas Modeste, Ethan Mough, Daniel Murillo, Aiden Oliverson, Aryan Sharma, Fernando Straub, Alexis Vasquez, Carolann Vanquez, Georgia Williams, and Evan Woodward. Of that group, Jadyn, Georgia, Sam, and Ansley are Keeper! Club members.
Thanks to all the keepers who reported for the Keeper! Club group photo taken by Wade’s Photography Oct. 21 at DyessPark. Each keeper who appeared in the shot will receive a copy of their own. It will be several weeks before they are available, but check with trainer Jim Walker, who will bring them to training.
Check out the Dynamos Fan Gear Store at www.dynamossoccer.com! You may choose from a variety of items available and spread the Dynamos spirit wherever you go. Simply download the individual order form, complete your order, attach payment and mail to: Dynamos Fan Gear, 10924 Grant Road, #224, Houston77070.
Keeper! Club trainers admitted this week that for years they have imposed a curb on freedom of speech during sessions at Dyess Park. “Yep,” said veteran trainer Roland Sikinger, “it’s true. Can’t say ‘can’t’” Trainer Jim Walker confirmed the ban, quickly allowing that there are some exceptions. “True, ‘can’t’ is prohibited, unless accompanied by the word ‘yet,’” he said. Also on the forbidden list, the two trainers confessed, are ‘never’ and ‘impossible.’ On the other hand, Roli the Goalie and Coach Jim testified that ‘Keeper!’ and ‘Away!’ should be shouted loud enough to disturb nearby residents. Apparently the keepers aren’t yelling loud enough, because there has been no storm of protest from Dyess Park neighbors.
Welcome to new members Jadyn Helm and Ashlyn Brewer. . .Remember to turn back clocks one hour when Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 3. . .Congratulations to Keeper Club trainer Roland Sikinger and wife Nikki, who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Oct. 31. . .A salute to Keeper Club alumni in the military--Jacob Fowler, Carolyn Kenaley, Mya Morrison, and Tanner King. Thank you for your service!. . .Dynamos player and Keeper Club member Michaelyn Wilkinson broke her wrist during team training Oct. 9, putting her out of action for four-to-six weeks, just as Aly Crouch was returning after being out of action with a fractured thumb. . .Current Keeper! Club member Braden (Striker) Mann is freshman kicker and punter for the Cy-Fair HS varsity, and former longtime member Trevor Gibson is kicking and punting for Tomball Memorial’s football team. . .Many thanks to Stix (Keeper Club alumnus John Kowalczyk) for his valuable assistance with Monday sessions of regular keepers and junior keepers. Stix remembers his own years of training with the Keeper Club and has shared advice and technical support to all ages of keepers and has been especially helpful with the Junior Keepers. . .Ethan Brasher, who has returned to keeper training after a hiatus has been picked in the monthly drawing for giving us the date of the annual Keeper Club Photo Day. He receives a $25 gift card. To have your name eligible for a $25 gift card (to wherever you like), enter the November drawing by answering this question: Who (in this newsletter) said “if you are afraid of making a mistake, you make worse mistakes.”? Email your answer to jwalker332@aol.com to enter a drawing of those with correct replies to determine the award of a $25 gift card for whatever the winner wants!. .Goalkeepers, coaches, and parents are urged to share photos and items of interest for possible use in Keeper! and KeeperTalk--Simply email to jwalker332@aol.com.
Dynamos alumnus Patty Walrath disturbing the neighbors as she directs defenders in her starting role with Houston Baptist University.
 1—Ansley Blake, Bryce Hinze, Payton Salinas, Kenzie Peterson; Junior Keepers: Carl Hallgren, Claire Juenke, Georgia Williams, Grace Seloover, Megan McAfee, Izzy Tullier, Madeline Villareal. Assisting: John Kowalczyk.
 3--Ethan Urrutia, Ethan Brasher, Izel Hernandez, Ethan Rimbey, Raul Rosas, Jorge Rodriguez, Steven Franke, Chance Bullard, Marissa Mills, Payton Salinas, Kaylee Barrett.
 7—Kennedy McGill, Aaron Austin, Izel Hernandez, Raul Rosas, Steven Franke, Chance Bullard, Mia Posey, Michaelyn Wilkinson, Ansley Blake, Ashlyn Brewer; Junior Keepers: Izzy Tullier, Georgia Williams, Elizabeth Corken, Carl Hallgren, Bryce Hinze, Maison Bell, Claire Juenke, Jadyn Helm, Sam Dominguez
10—Ashlyn Brewer, Payton Salinas, Jason Marsh, Kodi Garcia, Steven Franke, Kaylee Barrett, Jorge Rodriguez, Ethan Urrutia, Ethan Brasher, Chance Bullard, Izel Hernandez, Marissa Mills, Raul Rosas.
15—Kennedy McGill, Raul Rosas, Kenzie Peterson, Sam Dominguez, Ashlyn Brewer, Izzy Tullier, Megan McAfee, Payton Salinas, Bryce Hinze, Claire Juenke.
17--Kaylee Barrett, Steven Franke, Jorge Rodriguez, Ashlyn Brewer, Sam Dominguez, Raul Rosas, Marissa Mills, Ethan Urrutia, Izel Hernandez, Chance Bullard, Payton Salinas, Bryce Hinze
20—Aly Crouch, Kenzie Peterson, Izel Hernandez, Ashlyn Brewer, Steven Franke, Ansley Blake. Junior Keepers: Claire Juenke, Maison Bell, Elizabeth Corken, Megan McAfee, Izzy Tullier, Carl Hallgren Bryce Hinze, Jadyn Helm, Sam Dominguez, Tyler Crumpton. Assisting: Payton Salinas, Marissa Mills,
24—Sam Dominguez, Ethan Urrutia, Ethan Brasher, Raul Rosas, Bryce Hinze, Jorge Rodriguez, Steven Franke, Ashlyn Brewer, Payton Salinas, Marissa Mills, Izel Hernandez, Kaylee Barrett
28—Sam Dominguez, Cedric Cooke, Steven Franke, Ashlyn Brewer, Mia Posey, Payton Salinas, Aly Crouch, Kenzie Peterson, Izel Hernandez, Ansley Blake, Kennedy McGill, Aaron Austin, Chance Bullard. Junior Keepers: Jadyn Helm, Claire Juencke, Maison Bell, Megan McAfee, Georgia Williams, Bryce Hinze, Ethan Urrutia, Elizabeth Corken, Izzy Tullier Carl Hallgren. Assisting: John Kowalczyk
29--Chance Bullard, Kaylee Barrett, Steven Franke, an Bryce Hinze
"After saving the penalty, I couldn't resist asking him for his jersey, as it was an historic event. He gave it to me. . .I wear very special pajamas now." --Napoli goalkeeper Pepe Reina reveals he wears Mario Balotelli's AC Milan jersey to bed after having become the first keeper to stop a Balotelli penalty kick in a competitive game. (Football Italia)
“When you are afraid of making a mistake, you make worse mistakes. Been playing this game my whole life, just another game! Let's do this Huskies!!!! Game day!”—Keeper Club alumnus Patty Walrath’s pep talk to herself before stepping on the field to help Houston Baptist University beat Lamar, 2-0, a performance that won for her Athletic of the Week honors at HBU in early October.
Because beginners to the position want to show courage and perform things they’ve seen more advanced goalkeepers do, they often fail to learn the A, B, C’s taught at Keeper! Club. This leads to mistakes that prove costly to keeper and the team. Catching the ball seems a given, but when boys and girls ignore the “Contour W,” the ball can slip through their hands; if they fail to cup their hands and cushion the catch, it can pop back into play; if they don’t get their legs and feet behind the ball, it may slip through their hands and legs and go into the goal. 
Keeping your eye on the ball is a maxim for most every sport and not only is it very important to goalkeepers, it is critical that keepers see the ball come off the striker’s foot in order to determine its destination. Often keepers don’t really gauge the ball’s speed and location until it is almost upon them. Seeing it off the foot enables keepers to react better to every shot.  

Read more http://dynamossoccer.com/KeeperClub/Keeper/tabid/375/newsid744/254/KEEPER--Vol-20-No-11/Default.aspx