Keeper Club
Here are training schedules and helpful information for and about the Keeper Club’s ever-active corps of boys and girls who serve in the specialized role of goalkeeper. Contributions of news and photos by coaches, players and/or parents are welcome and may be emailed to for use in KeeperTalk.
***Regular weekly goalkeeper training at Dyess Park as follows:
Mondays—U10/11/12, 5:30-6:45pm
Mondays—U13/14/15, 6:45-8pm
Hard-working trainers and hard-working goalkeepers. . .what more could you ask? Well, nice weather for one and attendees at the annual three-day Keeper Club Goalkeeper Camp Aug. 14-16 found some, finally, after an opening day of lightning delays and, finally, cancellation. Trainers Brandon Renken, Roli the Goalie, and Ryan Hammond didn’t waste a minute, even getting in a sweat-provoking stint of work in the North Pavilion during the first hour of lightning delay. It was a golden opportunity for fun and learning new skills for girls and boys nine to 17 years of age, and they took full advantage, finishing up with a pizza party (thanks to parents for delicious dessert contributions!) on Friday. Attending the 2019 Goalkeeper Camp were: Harper Wilson, Hudson Hrobar, Caleb Shiery, Gavin Shay, Oliver Wilson, Zac Cannon, Alexander Credeur, Andy Garcia, Nathan Morgan, Samantha Nichols, Amber Zlatich, Stormey Stringer, Mason Blais, Breaunn Norris, Ellis Gill, Catelyn Salge, Alexis Crawford, and Jayden Williams.
1992—The Keeper Club was established in the fall of 1992, providing a support system for goalkeepers, to challenge them to technical and tactical improvement, and furnish a training environment that will assist them to reach their highest potential. The club’s manual was titled “Just Say No to Goals,” expressing the thought: “Goalkeepers need to be loved, not yelled at!”
2002—Among the older keepers, Kevin Atnip, Kurtis Cagle, Kerrie Pierce, Jennifer Kenaley, John Kowalczyk, Heather Mann, and Matt Majewski are appearing at various levels of high school play. Among the younger keepers attending training regularly and displaying outstanding potential are Marco Kimassi, Jacob Fowler, Daniel Adams, Hannah Barbe, Hannah Legler, Dustin Marsh, Steffen Grove, Sarah Stewart, John Nesbitt, Morgan Cox, Erin Duhon, Albert Garcia, Grant Hesketh, Carolyn Kenaley, Seth Sojka, Jonathan Nassirian, Hunter Kirkwood, Daniel Marymee, and Kicole Tate.
Keeper Club is making a list, and checking it twice! After the first Thursday’s training session for “older” keepers, Roli the Goalie commented: “Poor showing last night. They must have found out I was doing a core work session.” Stepping up security for upcoming training topics seemed to work because Roli welcomed 27 keepers next time out. Bingo!. . .Dynamos old-timers may blink twice when five-year-old Grayson Marsh steps on the field at Dyess Park this fall. Grayson is the son of long-time Dynamos and Keeper Club goalkeeper Dustin Marsh and “looks identical to his dad,” according to Tammy, Dustin’s mom, who says Grayson already loves the game so much he can’t wait for Dad to get home from work so they can play in the back yard. Tammy also recalled that Cy-Fair administrator Lisa Griffin was Dustin’s first coach who “taught him the game, and to love the game.”. . .Don’t forget to say “thank you” to your goalkeeper trainer after each session. Roli the Goalie and Ryan Hammond are both so important to your future in goal. Not only do they ensure that you have proper technique, but they provide role models to follow as you progress in your own abilities and behavior. . .Thanks ever so much, again, to Dynamos alumnus Brandon Renken, who donated his active services as instructor for the three-day Goalkeeper Camp at Dyess Park in August. Every year, for many years, Brandon, one of the Keeper Club’s first trainees as a youngster in the early 1990’s, makes time in his busy schedule as a Houston attorney (actually a partner in his downtown law firm) to share his ability and knowledge with the Dynamos’ aspiring keepers. Brandon, Roli the Goalie, and newly-added Ryan Hammond formed a trio of super trainers for this year’s annual summer goalkeeper camp. We are thankful for Ryan, formerly with the Dallas Texans who worked with Roli at the Aggies Soccer Camp in Bryan where Ryan resides. . .If you have items or photos for KeeperTalk, please email to
Classic Zac Cannon response after saving a penalty kick!
19--U10/11/12: Jayden Williams, Caleb Shiery, Alexis Crawford, Hudson Hrobar; U13/14: Zach Cannon, Ellis Gill, Andrea Gomez, Victoria Finidori, Gavin Shay: U/15+: Mason Blais, Bryant Brooks, Josef Martinez, Montse Mendez, Sophie Pettus, Nathan Morgan, Sam Nichols, Stormey Stringer, Andy Garcia
22--U13/14: Blake Dauphin; U15+: Bryant Brooks, Josef Martinez, Montse Mendez, Samantha Nichols, Stormey Stringer, Andy Garcia.
26—U10/11/12: Jayden Williams, Caleb Shiery, Alexis Crawford, Hudson Hrobar, Aubry Hart, Paula Berry, Payton Davis, Claire Paulsen; U13/14: Zac Cannon, Ellis Gill, Andrea Gomez, Victoria Finidori, Gavin Shay, Sydney Davis, Elise Bienvenu, Jillian Solheil; U/15+: Mason Blais, Josef Martinez, Montse Mendez, Sophie Pettus, Sam Nichols, Stormey Stringer, Andy Garcia, Casey Jones, Cate Salge, Dominik Walker
29—Briaunne Norris, Andy Garcia, Joseph Martinez, Montserrat Mendez, Samantha Nichols, Emery Gutierrez
“Promise me you’ll always remember: you’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”—Christopher Robin to Pooh
Mental toughness is a commonly-cited requirement for goalkeepers, but what is it? Simply put, mental toughness is the ability to focus on your task and perform to the fullest for 90 minutes. You must forget errors and display composure when your team is under pressure. Communicate to your teammates in a confident tone and do not criticize. If you show signs of frustration and panic, you can guarantee it will spread throughout your team.
It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.
Work for a cause, not for applause.
- Saturday, 20 January, 2018 (4933 reads)